Tap Titans 2 – V.2.5.6 – Update Log #17

January 12, 2018

Happy 2018, heroes!

A new year and holiday break only calls for a much-anticipated update. Over the past few weeks, the development team has been working to revamp 2.5, adding in exciting expansion while also looking back at the events that occurred. We hope that despite the server problems, that happened during the holiday season, you were able to enjoy the game to the fullest while getting well-deservered R&R… And even if you didn’t get the time off to kick back, we hope you were still able to enjoy the seasonal and limited edition offers in TT2.

As mentioned in the previous announcement, we want to apologize for the inconvenience and problems that occurred with the roll-out of v.2.5, and express appreciation for the patience of all our players during the unexpected maintenance times, while we worked to fix the bugs. Furthermore, we want to assure you that we do take events such as these seriously and as a learning experience, so that future updates are rolled out smoothly.

That being said, we hope you’re excited to get the ball rolling for all the improvements to come this year. Moving forward, we will now be posting DevLogs every 2-3 weeks, according to when we feel that we have sufficient information to be announced. When we first began DevLogs and Q&A threads, their posting schedules were based on the current state of the game and update plans. Now that a lot has changed, and our communication systems and platforms are enhanced, we’ve decided that DevLogs will not be posted every 2 weeks exactly as previously planned. Instead, DevLogs will be posted as information comes along (i.e. usually within 2-3 weeks) and further announcements made if need be! Likewise, if you want to interact with us *even more*, please check out our Twitch channel where we do in-game giveaways and answer your questions live!


So what’s in V. 2.5.6?


  • Can you reach the new Stage Cap of 12k?
  • New Shop Bundle: A Starter Bundle will now be available for brand new accounts to help you get your tap-venture started!

Key Changes:

Mystery Chest Phaseout

  • Mystery chests have been a generally unpopular feature since its release, and so we will be removing this chest in our Valentine’s update early next month with the release of v2.6. At this time we will be converting any existing mystery chest tokens at a rate of 25 diamonds per token. Tokens may still be used to purchase mystery chests up until v.2.6. Similarly, daily login reward tokens will be replaced with crafting shards.

Skill Tree Reset

  • This update will bring a forced skill tree reset to fix the remaining issues due to the previous server instabilities.

In-App Purchase Adjustments

  • You will notice minor pricing adjustments in this update (either increase or decrease depending on your particular situation), to fix remaining mismatches between Android and iOS prices. All Android prices are being set to match automatically generated iOS prices. These automatically generated iOS price conversions include any locally-imposed taxes, which is why some countries appear to have worse conversion rates than others. This is something that is out of our control as they have been altered to work with the Play and App stores globally.

Relic Growth

  • With this update we have reduced relic growth past stage 9k (although it is still slightly faster than exponential). This was done to compensate for the increased late-game progression speed that our last few updates have brought, as well as to ensure a healthy progression system as we continue to roll out future stage increases.

More Balancing:

  • As just mentioned above, relic growth has been reduced past stage 9k; Specifically, relics awarded at stage 10k were reduced by roughly 40%.
  • Several daily login reward values were increased!

Fixes and Optimizations:

  • Shop currency crash fixes.
  • Server optimizations and stability improvements.
  • Deadly Strike was boosting Inactive Damage when the corresponding Mythic equipment set was incomplete.
  • Selling Mythic equipment and crafting will now ask for confirmation.
  • Login panels will no longer continuously pop up when switching devices.
  • Duplicate item prevention for shop daily deals.
  • Rare equipment removed from shop daily deals.

Let’s get the new year started with sweet updates!

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